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Wendelboe Consulting  136 North Main Street   Suite 2   Concord, NH  03301
With 400 members, the New Hampshire House is the largest state legislative body in the nation and the state senate is the smallest.  This creates the diverse challenge that in one body there are so many house members to get to know, educate on your issue, and answer their questions, while in the other body, with a small number with such a heavy workload, it is difficult to have in-depth access.

    As a former fourteen year member of the legislature, Deputy Majority Leader and state Commissioner, our principal Fran Wendelboe has participated in virtually every major public policy discussion in New Hampshire for almost two decades.  Her experience in navigating the legislative and executive branch process at all levels of New Hampshire government is unsurpassed. 

During her 14 year service in the NH House, her area of specialty was health care policy and finance.  She served on numerous task forces dealing with health issues and attended dozens of conferences on health care policy, finance, and the impact on stakeholders.  On the NH Finance Committee, she served on the division that handles the in-depth analysis and recommendation of funding for all state health care spending.  She has sponsored dozens of pieces of legislation dealing with health care issues.  In 2003 she authored the legislation came to be known as MQWP which generated enhanced Medicaid match to supplement nursing home rates.  This has generated over $225 million in the last seven years.  She is considered one of the most knowledgeable in the state on Medicaid and DSH programs and funding.

She belonged to Women in Government, a national organization of female legislators, where she served as State Director for New Hampshire from 2002-2005.  Fran is also a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council, an organization dedicated to advancing the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism, and individual liberty, through a non partisan, public-private partnership between legislators and the private sector.  She has served on the national Health and Human Services Task Force with ALEC for the last several years and prior to that was on the Task Force on Criminal Justice.

Fran has been a politically active Republican for over twenty years, serving in the campaigns of candidates at all levels, both as a volunteer and as paid staff.  She has held local and regional positions with the NH Republican State Committee and attended the Republican National Convention in 2004 and 2006.  She has been a faculty in residence at St. Anselm College Institute of Politics during their Leadership New England program and teaches a comprehensive candidate and activist campaign school for conservative Republican candidates.  A number of the newly elected 2010freshmen were taught in her campaign school.

.Fran is married and has two grown sons and delights in her seven year old granddaughter and three year old grandson.

As a legislator, Wendelboe received several prestigious awards.

*The New Hampshire Business Council Award as appreciation of her support to the NH business community during the 2004 legislative session

*The New Hampshire Health Care Association has three times—the latest in 2007--- honored her with a Legislative Award in appreciation of her support of health care issues, especially the long term care needs of our senior citizens. 

*NH National Alliance on Mental Illness awarded Fran their legislator of the year award in 2006.

*The NH Disability Council honored Wendelboe for her legislative support in 2006.

*The NH Association of Counties honored Representative Wendelboe as their legislator of the year in 2007.

“Early Learning NH” in 2009 named honored her as a “Champion of the Children”

Education background:

Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia
Florida Junior College, AA Criminal Justice   Jacksonville, Florida (AA Criminal Justice)
1976 State of Florida Police Officer Standards and Training Academy Graduate
University of North Florida   Jacksonville, Florida

Professional background:

Retail sales department manager
Corporate buying office retail merchandiser in New York City
Former business owner of two day care centers
Owns and manages residential rental properties
Licensed real estate broker in NH 20 years
Police academy graduate
Commissioner on NH Board of Pharmacy

Principal Consultant
Fran Wendelboe